stable last version addressbook aid2 vers. 3.1.6 how install

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Description: AddressBook Aid2; 2867 KB; Personal Info Managers; Goldbug Software; Business

v.3.1.6 AddressBook Aid2

AddressBook Aid2 is an application for editing contacts on your Mac. This is a redesigned version of AddressBookAid with using Contacts.framework which was introduced in OS X 10.11. In addition to the change, code refactoring and optimization have been made. Also the "Replace All" function in Find-and-Replace has been implemented. The contacts on your Mac are shown much like a spreadsheet. The date is separated in one column, and you can add/edit each value in the cell, sort the data in the column. You can find a value and replace all of them at once. And you can compare any two contacts in the special panel. AddressBook Aid2 is specialized in editing the contacts.

Featured! version AddressBook_Aid2_version_2.5_3n4Nx.pkg (2694 kb)

10.11.4 GKRl-AddressBook-Aid2-vers-3.1.2.dmg (3096 kb)

Featured on High Sierra (2694 kb)

New High Sierra (3125 kb)

Featured iMac Pro smg7q-addressbook-aid2-version-3.1.7.pkg (3182 kb)

Mac Pro fWX-vers-3.1.10-AddressBook-Aid2.pkg (3153 kb)

Featured! version BWQ1P.ADDRESSBOOK.AID2.V.5.1.6.DMG (2522 kb)

Goldbug Software
Official site:

Recomended for Mac mini D48D7.3.1.COMPRESS.PKG 5.0

Recomended on 10.13.5 5.5.2

Version High Sierra VERS.5.2.2_REELSMART_MOTION_BLUR_SZXIZ.APP 5.0.4

New Sierra Smart_JSON_Editor_1.4.2_Tcm6Y.pkg 1.01

Best! version 1uA.1.3.Menu.Stacks.pkg 3.0
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