final stable version how install event planner vers. 1.3.0

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Description: Business, Personal Info Managers, Idea2Inspire, 2560 KB, Event Planner

‼ Event Planner version 1.3.0

Event Planner is an easy to use planner that takes care of everything you need. You can plan your expenses, manage guest list and keep a track of all the facility providers or vendors. The intuitive design of the app makes it very convenient for you to use the app.
- Easy to add items
- Build budget with
- Manage guest list
- List down vendor details
- Add foremost tasks into to-do list
- Keep print outs as hard copy

Event Planner is Ideal for couples planning their weddings, parents planning kids birthday and graduation parties, and sons and daughters planning retirement parties for their parents and many more.
Event Planner will help you prepare your parties and events with ease. You can easily record all the activities, including your expenses, guest contacts etc. Store your ideas in to-do list builder and mark them as completed as you accomplish them.

Recomended! version [2688 kbytes]

for High Sierra [2585 kbytes]

New! version [2764 kbytes]

Updated for Mac mini fjp.Event.Planner.1.3.3.pkg [2585 kbytes]

for Mac Event-Planner-vers.1.4.0-jl86Yt.pkg [2329 kbytes]

Recomended 10.13.5 1.5.0_Event_Planner_qfl.tar.gz [3072 kbytes]

Mac mini vers.3.3.0-Event-Planner-PgKj.tar.gz [2713 kbytes]


New on High Sierra F6DZX_So_You_Know_Capitals!_vers_1.5.3.tar.gz (1913 kb) 2.5.0

Recomended for El Captan Infinity.v.1.0.9.nv4.tar.gz (58434 kb) 1.1.7

Best MacOS vers_3.8.1_Dock-It_eqi55.pkg (1703 kb) 2.8.5

Recomended Sierra (1712 kb) 3.6

Get JVC VER 1.3.2 EVENT PLANNER 3.3.0 Featured 10.12

Software vers.1.3.4 Event Planner TjH5uv 2.3.0 Featured to MacBook Air

Update F7Io Event Planner ver 1.3.1 2.3.0 Version Mac mini

Software AC9WL EVENT PLANNER 1.5.0 2.3.0 Featured! version

Free 1gOU4G Event Planner vers 1.6.0 2.3.0 on iMac
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