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Action; 15565 KB; Cart Cow; Games; Thomas Wagner

Cart Cow 1.0.2

Cart Cow is now rolling on the Mac - optimized for use with mouse or pen tablet and featuring an even greater level overview!
Draw physical grounds that lead Lazy Linda's shopping cart on a breakneck ride into the level exit.
Beware of angry animals and other obstacles that might get into your way - or cleverly use their abilities to speed up your trip!
Collect helpful items to power up cart and cow.
Discover 60 levels, packed with many different game elements and landscapes!
Win medals for great performances!

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Best OS X NkjIp.Cart.Cow.3.0.2.tar.gz

MacBook Pro C2LV.V.1.0.5.CART.COW.APP

Version iMac Pro sMRjf5_Cart_Cow_version_1.0.4.pkg

Recomended on iMac Pro

Best 10.14.1

Thomas Wagner
Official site:

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